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Search Engine Optimization Concepts

Search Engine Optimization Concepts

11th September 2021 6 mins read
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Every website that needs to get featured in the Google Search Engine or any other search engine must implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Concepts optimally.

Let's see few obstacles that a beginner/intermediate digital marketer might encounter through the learning process.

Internal Links

Any links that you see on your website and on clicking on them redirect to the same website's articles or web pages.

External Links / Outbound Links

Any links that you see on your website and on clicking on them redirect to the other website's domain articles or web pages.

Back Links (Inbound / Incoming Links)

Any links that are pointed from other websites to your website. The more backlinks your website gets the more reachable and shown most when searched for.

Referral Links

Any links that are used to promote the marketing campaigns of a companies brand or products. Most of the referral links won't be crawlable as the marketing campaigns will be done via some Ads, E-Mail, Social Media, and Websites.

The referrer ie the one who adds the company marketing links to their website may earn bonuses or points or benefits in some of the other ways from the company.

Outbound Links

Any links that point to other websites from your website creates an outbound link to others website. By doing this the others website will be much more recognized and given preference when searched in search engines.

Onpage & Offpage SEO

Onpage SEO

Optimizing different parts of our website so that it can be search engine friendly and most trustable by search engines.

We can improve the Onpage SEO of our website with the following


Making your website more secure by adding an SSL certificate. HTTPS protocol will encrypt the data between your clients and your server thus making it hard for eves drop, the man in the middle attacks, and other sorts of attacks.

I have also written an article on how to generate an SSL certificate for free

Free SSL Certificate For CPanel

Free SSL Certificate With Lets Encrypt/Certbot In Linux (Single / Multiple Domains)

2. Website Page Speed

Page speed really matters a lot it depends on a lot of factors like

- How sleek and fast your website loads.

- Whether you have minimized your website CSS, Javascript, Images (webp).

- Lazy loading images.

- Differ how you load the assets via Prefetch / Preload CSS, JS files.

I have written an in-depth article when you can learn more about the same

Website Speed and Performance Optimizations

3. Accessible

Create content and a website in such a way that even laymen can understand how to navigate your website. The best examples are Google, YouTube, Facebook.

Along with content, you may also add Video, Audio transcripts for ease of use.

4. Optimized Content

Make sure to add the relevant content and to the point. Don't drag the content unnecessarily and make users move out of your website.

5. Keywords

Even though Google has specified that keywords are not considered for search engine optimization but anyways when they might include who knows, so just go ahead and create a strong keywords list for your website.

<meta name="keywords" content="SEO, Increase Website Traffic">

6. Title Tag

The title tag will be shown when your website or article is shown in the search results.

<title> SQLite Doesn't Support Dropping Foreign Keys in Laravel | StackCoder </title>

7. Open Graph & Twitter Tags

Open Graph and Twitter tags are the standards when you share the content to any social media content sharing and visibility.

Following is the meta tags that you can use while creating a

<meta property="og:type" content="article">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:title" content="SQLite Doesn't Support Dropping Foreign Keys in Laravel | StackCoder">
<meta property="og:description" content="Many times when you are working on SQLite database with Laravel you might have come across a wired error that SQLite doesn't support dropping foreign keys.">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="StackCoder">

<meta name="twitter:site" content="StackCoder">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="SQLite Doesn't Support Dropping Foreign Keys in Laravel | StackCoder">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="Many times when you are working on SQLite database with Laravel you might have come across a wired error that SQLite doesn't support dropping foreign keys.">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="StackCoder">
<meta name="twitter:url" content="">

<meta property="og:image" content="">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="">

8. Description

The description tag will be shown when your website or article is shown in the search results.

    <meta name="description" content="Many times when you are working on SQLite database with Laravel you might have come across a wired error that SQLite doesn't support dropping foreign keys.">

9. RSS Links

Have a valid RSS structure for your website, it might not help the end-users but will definitely help the websites that crawl your website be it Search Engine crawlers or any other RSS crawlers.

 <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="StackCoder" href="">

Learn more about generating RSS Feeds in my another article

Generate RSS Feeds in PHP Laravel

10. Headings

While adding a heading make sure your article has only 1 h1 tag rest of the tags can repeat. Heading show the priority of the website article.

11. URLs

Make your article or website URL search engine friendly. For example

SEO Friendly Link

Non-SEO Friendly Link

12. alt Tag For Image

alt tag actually describes what is the image used by search engines.

13. Mobile Friendly

Nowadays almost everyone has a mobile and access to the internet. Everyone spends most of the time on their mobile so you can expect major users of your website from the mobile.

14. Minified & Remove Unused Assets

Make sure to minify and remove unused assets. When I say assets of your website I meant CSS, Javascript, Images.

15. Different Content Support

Along with normal content try including Images, Audio, Video of the related content so that you can target even the disabled or the ones who are commuting. This will definitely increase the user base.

16. Schema Markup

Frequently keep checking the Schema Markup ie your article/website HTML structure. Check if it adheres to the standards.

Offpage SEO

Increasing the popularity or authority of our website by getting a lot of BackLinks(InBound Links) from different domains.

We can increase the Offpage SEO and generate a lot of links from different websites with the help of the following topics

1. Create awesome content so that everyone loves reading and sharing your website. Make sure to keep the content minimal and unique than other websites.

2. Social media presence will also matter a lot. Not only writing a good article will help you recognize but also share them via different social media links.

3. Influencer marketing

4. Guest blogging on the sites related to us.

5. Google my business

6. Podcasts

If you have audio content of your website article then try publishing them in different podcast apps.

7. Sitemap

The sitemap also helps in ease of navigation and generation of internal links of your website by search engines.

8. RSS

Have a valid RSS structure for your website, it might not help the end-users but will definitely help the websites that crawl your website be it Search Engine crawlers or any other RSS crawlers.

Hope you enjoyed the article.

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Channaveer Hakari

I am a full-stack developer working at WifiDabba India Pvt Ltd. I started this blog so that I can share my knowledge and enhance my skills with constant learning.

Never stop learning. If you stop learning, you stop growing