Setup AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) In PHP Laravel

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In this article, we will learn how to easily set up AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to the Laravel project.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a web component framework to create lightweight website and rank your website in the SEO world.

We will cover the following topics

  1. Laravel Installation
  2. Different Implementation Ways
  3. Existing Non-AMP Website Code Overview
  4. AMP Routes (mapAmpRoutes in RouteServiceProvider.php)
  5. AMP Controllers
  6. AMP View Pages
  7. Testing
  8. Failed To Work? Clear Cache To Make It Work

Step 1 - Laravel Installation

If you already have the Laravel application skip to Step 2 else let's install the Laravel application with composer using the following command

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

The above command creates a new Laravel project with a name blog.

Step 2 - Different Implementation Ways

NOTE: For the sake of the explanation I am using my website name. Make sure to change it to yours while development.

Basically we can achieve it in 2 ways, at least as far as I know.

1. Subdomain

Create a subdomain with and make all the content available on that site and even migrate all your code.



i. You might end up using 2 codebases. If you change in one code base then you have to go and update in another one too.

ii. Sometime you may forget and if you're using the same database for both then you will get errors in the production site.

iii. It may even impact your website SEO.

2. Same Domain With Prefixed Route (We will implement this)

We will create a prefixed route for this implementation which will look like the following

Normal Route -

AMP Route (Observe amp after the domain name) -



i. We will use most of the existing code base with minor changes to work with AMP.

ii. We will also use the existing web.php routes.

ii. No need to break our head on SEO optimization.



i. If you modify anything on Non-AMP pages then even you have to modify in AMP pages

ii. You still have to create duplicate blade pages ie one for Non-AMP and one for AMP.

Step 3 - Existing Non-AMP Website Code Overview

Before diving deep into the AMP pages lets look at our existing code base


/** Find all posts */
Route::get('/posts', 'PostsController@getPosts');

/** Find a single post */
Route::get('/posts/{slug}', 'PostsController@findPostBySlug');


public function getPosts()
    $posts = Post::with(['user'])

    return view('post.index', [
        'posts' => $posts

public function findPostBySlug(string $slug)
    $post = Post::with(['user'])
        ->where(['slug' => $slug])

    if (!$post) {

    return view('', [
        'post'   => $post,

As have you seen its a simple controller without too much complications.

Step 4 - AMP Routes (mapAmpRoutes in RouteServiceProvider.php)

We will use the existing web.php routes to map our AMP routes.

Add the following code at the end of RouteServiceProvider.php class

App / Providers / RouteServiceProvider.php

protected function mapAmpRoutes()
    Route::prefix('amp') /** This line adds amp at start of URL */

Add the following code in map() function

App / Providers / RouteServiceProvider.php -> map()


Basically it will look like the following

public function map()

NOTE: As I had said earlier by doing the above way our web.php routes will be reused and will look like the following

Following Web URLs & View Pages will be used from PostsController methods & view pages respectively.        (views/post/index.blade.php)    (views/post/index-amp.blade.php)

Following Web URLs & View Pages will be used from PostsController methods & view pages respectively.           (views/post/show.blade.php)       (views/post/show-amp.blade.php)

With the help of the above URLs, we can now easily verify which route does the current URL belongs to.

NOTE: All the amp pages will end with common view pages except -amp.blade.php

Step 5 - AMP Controllers

Important Concept - Both the routes (AMP & Non-AMP) points to the same controller methods, but from these methods, we need to decide whether the current request needs to be redirected to the AMP page or the regular page.

We will use the following code in base controller ie Controller.php so that it can be used in all the controllers with $this->getView() call.

App / Http / Controllers / Controller.php

protected function getView($view)
    if (request()->segment(1) == 'amp') {
        if (view()->exists($view . '-amp')) {
            $view .= '-amp';
        } else {
    return $view;

And your normal PostsController.php will look like the following

Updated Controller - App / Http / Controllers / PostsController.php

public function getPosts()
    $posts = Post::with(['user'])

    /** We are using $this->getView here to decide view pages */
    return view($this->getView('post.index'), [
        'posts' => $posts

public function findPostBySlug(string $slug)
    $post = Post::with(['user'])
        ->where(['slug' => $slug])

    if (!$post) {

    /** We are using $this->getView here to decide view pages */
    return view($this->getView(''), [
        'post'   => $post,

Step 6 - AMP View Pages

As we had discussed we will be having the following view pages




Step 7 - Testing

Once you have setup your project as I said earlier now you can test whether your normal webpages and AMP pages loads or not.

Normal Pages

AMP Pages

If your developing in local environment then you can use the following ways

Run Built In WebServer

php artisan serve


//Regular Page

//AMP Page

Step 8 - Failed To Work? Clear Cache To Make It Work

Sometimes when you perform the above steps it may not reflect because of the Laravel application cache.

Please use the following commands to make it work like charm

php artisan cache:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan view:clear
composer dump-autoload


Make sure to validate your website with AMP Validator.

Hope this article helped you. Please share it with your friends.


Channaveer Hakari

I am a full-stack developer working at WifiDabba India Pvt Ltd. I started this blog so that I can share my knowledge and enhance my skills with constant learning.

Never stop learning. If you stop learning, you stop growing