Install Packages Parallel For Faster Development In Composer

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One of the major drawbacks of the composer is that it installs the package sequentially ie one by one. Today you will learn how to install hirak/prestissimo which will help the composer to download packages parallel.


You need to have composer installed in your computer or server.

To install composer in Ubuntu / Linux Distros

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install composer

Step 1 - Install hirak/prestissimo Package

First and the foremost thing is to install the hirak/prestissimo composer package globally in your system. This can be done with the following command

composer global require hirak/prestissimo

You will get similar to the following output. Which confirms that the package has been installed in your system

Changed current directory to /Users/wifidabba/.composer
Using version ^0.3.10 for hirak/prestissimo
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
 - Installing hirak/prestissimo (0.3.10): Downloading (100%)     
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files

We are installing globally so that we can use it anywhere in our system via composer command line.

Step 2 - Testing The Package For Parallel Downloads

Now coming down to the main point for which we downloaded this package globally in our system ie. testing it to check if it actually works.

Run the following command

composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel1 --no-progress --profile --prefer-dist

I will show you a snippet of my output. If you would like to see the GIF of the same Composer Plugin Image.

[433.7MiB/83.60s]  - Installing voku/portable-ascii (1.4.10): [433.7MiB/83.60s] Loading from cache[433.7MiB/83.60s] 
[433.7MiB/83.71s]  - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.15.0): [433.7MiB/83.72s] Loading from cache[433.7MiB/83.72s] 
[433.7MiB/83.76s]  - Installing phpoption/phpoption (1.7.3): [433.7MiB/83.77s] Loading from cache[433.7MiB/83.77s] 
[433.7MiB/83.80s]  - Installing vlucas/phpdotenv (v4.1.4): [433.7MiB/83.80s] Loading from cache[433.7MiB/83.80s] 
[433.7MiB/83.85s]  - Installing symfony/css-selector (v5.0.7): [433.7MiB/83.85s] Loading from cache[433.7MiB/83.85s] 
[433.7MiB/83.91s]  - Installing tijsverkoyen/css-to-inline-styles (2.2.2): [433.7MiB/83.92s] Loading from cache[433.7MiB/83.92s] 
[433.7MiB/83.94s]  - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.15.0): [433.7MiB/83.94s] Loading from cache[433.7MiB/83.94s] 
[433.7MiB/83.98s]  - Installing symfony/var-dumper (v5.0.7): [433.7MiB/83.98s] Loading from cache[433.7MiB/83.98s] 


For more details on the package you can check of the GITHUB repo Hirak Prestissimo

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Channaveer Hakari

I am a full-stack developer working at WifiDabba India Pvt Ltd. I started this blog so that I can share my knowledge and enhance my skills with constant learning.

Never stop learning. If you stop learning, you stop growing